Wednesday, March 5, 2008

it's all about opportunities...

...and about whether you accept them or not. And about whether you notice them. And about whether you seize them or not. In all aspects of life. It's good to know you have opportunities. But how do you recognise them? That's the toughest part. And then, when you have opportunities, what choices do you make? Do you follow your heart? Do you follow your brain? Do you go where the legs carry you? Which part of the body do you listen to? And how objective can you be when it involves you? And how do you know not to run in two many directions and in the end to be left in the middle, in a big pond? This is why you have friends, and they are able to give you the outsider view, the objective knock on your head and say "i think you should do like that..." And then, what if they're wrong in their wish to make good?

I know it's kind of clichee, but have you ever wondered what would it have happened if once, when you had to make a big decision, you'd have chosen a different thing? The bad part is that we'll never know. And this is what is so scary. Never in your life you'll be twice in the same position to be able to chose between the same things.

Anyway, it's good to have opportunities and it's good to know you need (and you can) make the choice. But what if the choice is not only yours to take? What if it involves other people? How do you know what those people will choose? And how do you know whether you're on the same track as them?

Ok, too many questions for a day. I need to refresh my mind having some salsa reharsals. I hope i'll find the answers...or they'll find me. Did you find them?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

se cheama ca sunt logica...

...pentru ca in sfarsit am terminat la care, dupa cum va spuneam la un moment dat, ma chinuiam tare mult. am dat sfoara in tara, am pus pe jar alti cativa "muncitori cu calculatorul" care si-au mancat si ei in perioada pauzelor de masa nervii in loc de carnaciori, si mai cu tras mai cu impins, i-am dat de cap. Si imi pare tare bine ca nu l-am lasat balta. Unele intrebari se pare ca au mai multe raspunsuri acceptate (as vrea sa ii vad codul micutului programel) iar altele, dimpotriva, chiar daca problema are mai multe raspunsuri, nu stiu pe ce baza se accepta doar unul pe care il vrea el. La una din intrebari (aia cu scrisoarea, pentru cei care vor avea curiozitatea sa inceapa jocul- atentie- e addictive si are efectul de a scoate cativa peri albi!) munca in comun a dat rezultate si cu atat mai placut a fost succesul.
Daca mi-ar putea folosi logica asta si la chestiile legate de corazon...da sa nu cobim, azi am avut o zi minunata, chiar de la inceput. ;)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A dog for sure he's not...

...if, when he's laying down he looks like a lion (in miniature), he licks people's hands like a cat, coughs like a donkey (poor him, bad cough), barks like a woodpecker (from here the name), when he hears the words "wanna go OUT?" jumps like a goat, sings as a wolf in a full moon night (you can see him in the video), sits in 2 paws like a meerkat (suricata in Romanian), stubborn like a mule(or like a man, it's all the same), considers himself a Rotweiller, tricky like a fox, blind like an old men, greets you when you come home like a child, and when you cry gives you the "i am here for you" look that only the best friends do. So what is he? He's Woody and i'm so happy I have him, even if he wakes me up in the morning to take him out, even if he missed the class with "you should never bite the hand that is feeding you", even if I think the neighbors have a right to want to kick us out from the building because of his barking. He is part of my life for the last 12 years, was born in our house and is (unfortunately) the alpha male in the family.
I now present you: Woooodddyyy in his duet with my humble person! And even though you might think he does this because he hates my be right! Let's see who recognizes the song.

the day of the song

I promised i'll write some posts in English as well. This is one of them.

Today i felt all kind of ways. I felt shining, i felt tired, i felt content and i felt puzzled. I felt everything will get set by itself, i felt calm and I felt i'm starting to put order. In my life, cause my desk is messier than ever. Or as always, cause always is messier and messier:). I felt (over)confident in what's it gonna be, I felt again that i love to dance, I felt dissapointed that it is not as it used to be, i felt lazy but then happy i overcame this laziness.
But what does all this have to do with the "day of the song" (and yes, on purpose it is upside down instead of "Song of the day")? Nothing. Just that the song is full of love and i love the message it sends (i recommend that you'll check the lyrics, otherwise it doesn't have too much meaning) and someone might think that if i chose this song i'm either very much in love or very sad and desperate(cause the song gives you a hope). And i'm not any of them.
This day, it's Shlomi Shabat's turn. Far from the other 2 Israelis which are definetly stars and values, Shlomi Shabat is famous, has a lot of fans, but sings a much more Mizrachi (close to the Romanian "manele") style. I'm wondering how many readers did i just lost by writing this sentence. Do listen to the song and let it get to you. I think the lyrics are really beautiful and have nothing to do with the usual lyrics of a "manea".

You can (and are invited to) check

ce usurare simti...

...cand nu mai simti...
Vi s-a intamplat si voua sunt sigura. Cand stai langa o persoana care ai fi vrut sa iti fie acel "cineva" din viata ta, si nu s-a intamplat, si astepti sa nu te mai doara si sa nu mai vrei si sa nu te mai gandesti. Si iti dai seama ca nu mai simti, ca esti impacata cu tine si cu ea, ca ti-e bine, ca poti sa o asculti (pe persoana respectiva) fara sa ii sorbesti cuvintele, si fara sa speri sa nu treaca timpul prea repede. Nu numai asta, ci aproape te plictiseste si nu mai esti asa de disponibil sa treci peste oboseala si peste faptul ca vrei sa dormi. Asa o usurare si o mandrie de genul "Kol Hakavod, ai trecut si peste asta" simti. Si atunci ti-e mult mai usor sa ii vorbesti, ai mai multa incredere in tine, nu te mai intereseaza ce gandeste despre tine pentru ca tu stii ca esti "over him".
Din pacate, pana la acest moment de usurare, trece un timp foarte delicat, direct proportional cu imaginea pe care ti-ai construit-o tu in cap asupra viitoarei relatii (dar care nu are nici o legatura cu realitatea). Timp in care incerci sa te convingi ca el de fapt vrea mult ca voi sa fiti impreuna dar tu ai inteles gresit cand el a spus: "better let's stay friends", ca poate este timid si tu ar trebui sa incerci mai mult (dar cat??), ca poate i s-a stricat/furat/pierdut telefonul si de aia nu te suna dar de fapt numai la tine se gandeste. CIU CIU! si nu numai ciuciu, chiar si PENCIU! Nimic mai eronat. dar nu ai ce face...trebuie sa stai sa astepti sa treaca timpul asta. Mintea nu are ureche pentru "Nu te mai gandi la el", si inima nu inceteaza sa bata mai repede cand ti se pare ca ai auzit soneria personalizata. In cot le doare pe amandoua ca eu vreau sa imi treaca. Noroc cu prietenul meu, timpul...el chiar le rezolva pe toate, intr-un mod sau altul. Si inca ceva: it's all for the best! You don't know what you lost, as for vie est devant moi!
Deci da! Ce usurare simti cand nu mai simti!:)

LATER EDIT: Cred ca fiecare o sa se intrebe la cine exact ma refer. Serios ca nu conteaza. Este o chestiune universal valabila. Din pacate...sau nu.