Oh, and there is another worth-mentioning event! Today i got another package! From my aunt, back in Bucharest:) It makes me feel so good, no matter what it is there. Not to say that i got Salam de sibiu (a special kind of salami), Smoked yellow cheese, zacusca (yummy Romanian dish), jelly (although i already eat here jam and jelly as for all the previous 25 years in a row. And also tea i drink like crazy. Somebody said that they give us so much tea to be able to digest better the untasty food. And to have less stomach aches:) Makes sense:P) So thank you, Rita!
Today we had again the finance class with the great teacher. I know i said it before but I sooo much like how he explains. And we all agree on that. I could stay and listen to him all day long and all the boring book would be so much easier to handle. He is funny but keeps the distance, serious and looks and talks like a real professional. His teaching skills are very developed. And today we had the most difficult session from this semester (from his perspective). Talking about corelation between risk and rate of return, standard deviation, R hat, SML and CAPM. All things i had no idea about till now...wow!
And after that, the class of Resource Planning, in which we negotiated eliminating the exam in favor of presentations of different subjects around the ERP. And here it is where the balagan begun. Most of us don't really understand the topic and what does the teacher expect from us. He gave us individual subjects on which to work. For me, knowing i (teoretically) have knowledge of programming (yea right!) he gave me something that i never heard of before and that till now doesn't make any sense. Anybody willing to enlighten me? It sounds like this: "JCo, Netweaver and MII in MES" :)). Where J comes from Java. Cool, isn't it?:D
Ok, meanwhile Olga came to my room and we talked as usual for like 2 hours so it's already 1 am so I should call it a day. We decided we need some adventure in our life so now i am looking for adventure parks and Cart places around. yee!
So my room. I officially announce that this is my online Hanukia Bait (innauguration of new house). You are all invited, and you didn't even need to bring presents:P This is how it looked when i first came in and dropped my luggage:
All you see is all there was. bed, closet, table little chair and a bath.
And this is how it looks now:
I would say it's much nicer and blue-er:)
And yes, all these pictures i got from mom and sis and the leaves are
So guten nacht for now...
PS: Please try not to pay too much attention on the layout. I am too tired to play with it. Please accept it as it is. Thank you.
PPS: Today I wrote to the administration that I want to start the sessions of Israeli dancing and Salsa in the campus! Ye! i hope everything works out and there will be a lot of people. So far everybody says they want it very much, but we'll see if they will come. Anyway, I'm excited!
Me really going to sleep now.
Hey Danutzisto :) -- asta ar trebui sa iti dea un indiciu cu privire la identitatea mea.
Doua idei: cumpara-ti un aparat care sa iti ridice umiditatea din incapere prin aburi (ar trebui sa se gaseasca pe acolo, si crede-ma ca e o investitie ce merita facuta, chiar daca va fi un pic scump la inceput) -- si eu am avut problema asta si chiar m-am imbolnavit rau, dar dupa ce mi-a imprumutat o prietena asa ceva, mi-a trecut.
Cat despre fereastra, si problema asta o am. Daca nu ai unul din rulourile alea pe care le puneau bunicile noastre la ferestre, pune un tricou (sau duct tape, eu asta am pus la ferestrele mele anul trecut :) ), o sa functioneze. Si nu dormi cu capul la fereastra, ca e de rau.
te pups!!
Hey Micutzico! Normal ca te recunosc dupa bombeu:) Merci de idei. Umidificator caut sa cumpar da pana atunci tot pun cani cu apa pe calorifer sa se evapore si nu simt mare diferenta. Si la fereastra, am pus deja o pereche de pantaloni de trening da nu imi convine nenica!:) insist sa mi-o repare!
Cat despre capu la fereastra, nu prea am cum altfel...patul e pus in asa fel sa dorm cu capul acolo si dc ma intorc, capul va fi spre usa si am aflat ca nu e bine dpdv jewish religion+traditions. da lasa ca am gasit alte metode sa nu am gatul si buzele uscate noaptea sau dimineata;):))) puuup
Hm, capacitatile tale de detectiv palesc se pare.... nu stiam ca si Micutza iti spune Danutzista. Poate ar trebui sa mai raresc momentele (si asa prea rare) cand vbim, ca se pare ca micile mele nickname-uri nu fac impresie :)
Te pup si astept o performanta mai buna in domeniul identitatii...
p.s. cana cu apa pe calorifer nu functioneaza, si eu am incercat.
p.p.s. ce metode???
p.p.p.s. ai mare noroc ca persoana cu care m-ai confundat a fost Micutza, altfel m-as fi simtit de-a dreptul jignita :P
hai ma, ca tu nu imi zici danutzisto tot timpul:P si nu mi-au trebuit decat 3 comentarii sa te ginesc:) Deci si la Dartmouth e aerul uscat?:D:)
momentan mi-e din ce in ce mai rau cu aerul si nu am gasit (online) de cumparat umidificator asa ca o sa merg prin magazine. cat despre cealalta metoda...well cred ca va trebui sa vorbim pe skype sa te informez:);)
:)) foarte tare. I am flattered Diana. :P
eu mi-am dat seama ca trebuie sa fii tu dupa sfaturile foarte practice pe care i le-ai dat Danei :)
oricum...Danutzisto, Dianutzisto, bafta multa in continuare prin tarile voastre straine :*
hai ma ca ma faceti sa ma ismt si mai prost...da ce nenica, micutzico, tu nu dai sfaturi practice? si am zis ca si la tine in camin (ca stai in camin, right? poate si acum am dat-o cu bata-n balta) ai dat de problemele astea. da oricum, inca o data, bine ca am zis ca esti tu si nu altcineva ca mi-o luam pe coaja rau. oricum, so far, buba nu s-a reparat si eu tot am gatul uscat :((
HAHAHAHHAHA, Micutza nu sta in camin :) Dar in rest le-ai ginit pe toate bine. Doar trei commenturi huh? :D
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