If somebody said that living in a dorm is boring, probably didn't live in ours.:) I will again talk about mails received on our school mailing list. I still consider them funny, although some of the things happening here are not that funny and you get to ask yourself "what the hell is going on?" (this talking about the first e-mail i'll attach). As for the second one, I love (again) people with humor. And guess what? it totally worked! i understood he had about 12 replies from girls. And that he added all of them on facebook too:) Oh, and this guys's favorite color is PINK! really pink!
PS: i am keeping my laudry hanger in my room, i have my food on the window as it's anyway cold enough and i (usually) watch where i'm stepping. So mom, I'm good:)
PPS: Most of the students here, because they receive scolarship, need to do some jobs inside the campus, jobs that give them points in the Work Study Program and they need to reach a certain amount of points. This to explain what he is saying there.
Also, today SNOWED!!! First snow this year! Although i saw
And not only in snowed but it was a huge snow storm!
But till skiing, going to do my quality management project...or maybe some sleep first...:)
Here are the two e-mails i was talking about and I am waiting for your reactions:)
"Dear all, Usually I would not like to make a big question out of that issue but I really got mad. I went today to pick up my clothes from the laundry room and what I saw was that my hanger ( which by the way has my name on it and is in red and white) was missing and somebody had put my clothes on the washing machine. I don't know how you do it at home but I was personally taught to ask first and then take. So I kindly ask whoever took it to return to to room 1**. Otherwise I will personally find the person and explain him how he should not do it again. And I'm not joking. All the best, R"
Mail no 2:
"Dear Students, Due to the ongoing complaints from my female classmates that I am wearing only boring colours (except for my green sweater), I need 1-2 ladies to go and buy me a new sweater that will save me from the shame. The budget is subject to your negotiation skills, though by now the pressure has grown so dramatically that I am willing to pay up to 40 Euros! There is no specific experience required for this job, except for good taste. This assignment does not officially fall into the Work Study Program, but upon successful completion of the task, I might ask Mrs. K for permission to transfer you a work study point from my account. Whoever replies first, will get the job!"
Oh, and one last thing: I was finally in Floridita, the salsa club, on Thursday night. This after trying with the girls 2 other clubs. It was nice, not too many people so there was enough place to dance, but not so many boys that knew to dance. I was surprised (in a good way:) ) by the amount of black guys there. I was invited to dance and i also went and took a guy to dance. Had fun (and an elbow in my head:) ). The Austrian clubs have this habit of getting photographers inside to picture the people and then to post them onto their website. So we became famous. Here is the picture. The guy was just the security guy, but me and Olga decided he is goodlooking enough to enter in our picture:P

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