Wednesday, November 19, 2008

really?? One month??...

...exactly, to the day! I have arrived in Vienna one month ago. One month ago I left Romania to settle in a new country, new place, new occupation, new people. And so far, I can say that the choice is wonderful. As i was telling you before, I enjoy a lot of things going on here, I am (still) enthusiastic (as the dean noticed today), i am still looking forward to meeting even more new people, especially outside of LBS, and i am considering traveling a lot.

One month in which i started managing myself, my own time and activities, my room which has become my home now. For sure there are a lot of things to still do, but hey, only a month:) I am already thinking about what i will be doing the 5 days i will be home in December and how fast i want February to come to go to Israel, to see mom, Sorana and most beautiful baby in the world, Eytan. Him i miss the most! And I am sure the feeling is totally mutual:) This is how he's looking at the camera, knowing that Doda Dana will see this picture.How can't you miss such a baby? But no worries, by february, he will be 7 months so he will be for sure able to have a conversation with German even, as I need to practice it:)
Besides all my family, be it in Israel or Romania, I miss Woody so much...I even dreamed of him one night...sniff sniff...
Now...happier times! TODAY I had a celebration! In the honor of my first month here, I cooked my first real meal! In the community room...And it was heavenly delicious!mmmm....Chicken breast with mushrooms ...yummmmmmmmmyyyy...In the reality it was much better than it looks here. We were laughing that the LBS horrible food regime makes you cherish on an unbelievable scale the little pleasures in the pancake the Indian-that-thinks-he-speaks-Romanian from the kitchen gave me today, specially and only for me :) (i know that from that moment on i have some new enemies:P).
And also...a very important event happened yesterday: I have received a package from mom and sis!!!! You have no idea how i rushed to the offices to take it and how all cocky I was walking back with it to my room! My rich relatives didn't forget the lost daughter that they sent in foreign land!:) Not to say that now I could start some sweets illegal traffic, but also I have Bamba, soup, choco. And a lot of printed pictures (that are already on my wall). And even a bamboo that i will take care of and will grow up to the sky:) I felt so excited yesterday...little things again:)
So now, i have almost finished decorating my room so expect by the end of this week pictures with my sweet home. People say it looks really nice and cosy and i really feel it this way too.

Now, I have moved to Olga's room cause she has windows to the "outside world" which means she can reach some outside wireless networks, (yes, but me, with my inside the campus windows have the advantage of being able to put food on the window. She is not allowed, as it "bothers the neighbours with an unpleasant view!!!?!") so I came here to download a torrent as I miss my Amazing Race sooo much. And with our LBS network downloading illegal torrents is not an option.

Tomorrow evening we are going to visit the Christmas Market. I understood there are different markets but we will go to the main one and will drink also some "vin fiert" (is it mild wine in english?). Anyway, I expect some quality time with colleagues, although they announced that it will be colder and colder, reaching on Sunday the wonderful -5 degrees Celsius air temperature!!!!
Guten nacht lekulam!:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope that your energy to change places and peoples(stranges) is from that quite baby. If it's true God bless him ! And of course YOU